Tuesday 27 March 2012

So much for keeping it daily...


Really bugged that I haven't been able to update as often as I would have liked... But that doesn't mean that I haven't been keeping up with my new lifestyle... I have been going to the gym, doing my walks, eating better then I used too and I have lost 2kg in the last week =D I know that I won't be loosing 2kg every week but it is an awesome feeling!!
I have been working on a massive assignment and a few times I have caught myself wanting 'comfort food' but I have stopped myself from going all out and binging on something I know I will regret. I have a supply of caramello koalas (the little ones) and I have made a promise to myself that if I feel like I want to run to the comfort food, I can have one caramello koala BUT I can only have one a day. I have actually only had one since Saturday which is awesome lol. On top of this assignment I have still had to work and I have had some stressful shifts and felt like I wanted to go to maccas and everything will be ok.. I have found the absolute best way to stop this!!! I have stopped taking money to work, therefore no money = no maccas!! It is working fantastically lol =P Well I really need to get back to this assignment.

Talk soon xox

Monday 19 March 2012

Cleanse, tone, moisturise and exercise

Ok so its officially day 2 of my blogging/weightloss thing. I woke up at 6:45am and went for a 1.5hr walk, go me!!! =D I am going to make the best effort I can to make exercise a part of my daily routine. I have also started using actual face cleansing products, I find that every time I used them I would feel like the most prettiest girl in the world and I felt fantastic about myself. Really I am a girly-girl at heart, but I don't really show it much. When I used to go out, I felt that people would think I would look aweful in my make up and nice clothes because of my size. I used to just 'play it safe' and probably still do at times but now I really try to not care what other people think. Yes I am overweight, but not everyone has absolutely perfect health. I often think that people are able to see my problem but that doesn't mean they should judge because they are not perfect either, and if they knew me then they would know that I care and I am trying my best to change how I am...

Right now I am feeling a little sore after my gym sesh yesterday, but pain means ITS WORKING!!! =D  I also actually enjoyed my 1.5hr walk this morning. I am lucky to have  a river nearby so I had a nice riverside view. I also decided that I am going to put my Japanese language disks onto my mp3 player so I can practice (in my head lol) while I am walking. I used to go to a night class 2 nights a week to learn Japanese and I loved it. But last year I decided to start a nursing degree at uni, which took up the time I used to learn Japanese. I am a bit rusty at the moment but if you were to send me to Tokyo right now I am sure I could survive =) My nursing degree has been such a fantastic life change. I was working 5 days a week in an office which was just depressing. One day I woke up and decided that I was going to quit. So I did. It was the most refreshing thing I have ever done lol. The same day I applied to go to uni (as well as applying for several jobs because I did't have anything to go too). Within 2 weeks I had a job and an offer for uni... It was meant to be =D

I know it is only officially day 2, but I feel so fantastic at the moment =D Tomorrow is a gym day, if I stick to my plan (Which I really hope to do!!!) it will be the first time since December 2011 that I have gone to the gym at least 2 days in the same week!!! I have just been too lazy over the last... well too many months lol =P I have decided that Sunday morning will be my official 'weigh day' and I will post my weightloss efforts for the week. I also decided (while walking past the pool this morning) that when it is warm enough on my non-gym days instead of walking an extra hour, I will go to the pool instead. I have heard alot of negativity about using swimming as an exercise in weightloss, but I tried it a few times last year and really liked it. I didn't really notice any negative results.
I have also decided that my 'weightloss rewards system' is going to go like this (Note: it will prob change at least another 10 times before I reach my 'ultimate goal' lol)

5kg loss - Eyebrow wax (this will really encourage me to get there because right now they are just scary lol)

10kg loss - Pandora bead

15kg loss - A new item of clothing

20kg loss - High tea with the girls

25kg loss - Dinner at a Japanese resturant with my fiance

30kg loss - Pandora bead

35kg loss - High tea with the girls

40kg loss - Start trying on wedding dresses

45kg loss - Well I haven't decided but it will be something amazing =D I'd like to say a cruise around the world but we will let the finances decide on that one lol =P

Hello =)

So I have decided to start an online blog. I am totally new to this and I am really excited about it =D Not sure exactly what to write but basically the purpose of this blog is to document my  progress on my weight loss journey. I was inspired to loose weight for many reasons, and by many people. One person in particular inspired me to believe that I can actually loose weight and be honest about what I need to do (the same person inspired me to write a blog lol). If I can inspire at least one other person to join me on my journey, I would be really happy. I have decided that  as of today I want to loose 45kg. Since November 2011 I have lost 13kg, most of which was over Christmas lol. By using this blog I want to keep myself motivated and also hear from others who are on a similar journey. I have plenty of reasons to loose weight, the most important obviously is my health. I have made a promise to myself I will go to the local gym 3 times a week, and every day I will walk for at least 30-40mins and on the days I don't go to the gym, I will walk an extra hour. I will record how good (or bad) I have been as often as I can. My aim is to be at goal weight by the end of the year, to do this I hope to loose 5kg a month. I know you shouldn't put a time frame on weight loss, but I work on due dates and I made a promise to myself in November last year that I would loose 5kg by Christmas 2011, and I lost 10kg instead. 45kg is my ultimate goal, however I will be happy with a 40kg total weightloss.

So, now to get into my "daily" update. Not sure how long the daily part will stick but I will try my best. This morning I woke up at 7am, usually when I have a day at home (especially when its raining) I looooove a sneaky afternoon nap. Today I made sure I did not even sit down on the lounge. Because I often suffer from lack of sleep mostly due to the fact I am a shift worker and studying at uni, it is not odd for me to get home at about 11:15pm and wake up at 5:30am to get ready for the next shift. I have found that even though I do have a short sleep, if I have broken sleep (2hrs here, 1 hr there, etc...) compared to 5-8hrs straight I tend to loose weight rather than retaining it. Today I had my first gym sesh of the week, and a 40min walk with my loving fiance.

While I sit here typing this, I am watching one of those 'skinny people yell at fat people while they are on a treatmill' shows. How aweful are these shows. I do not find them inspirational at all. In fact they are just degrading. I wonder how I would feel being on of those 'fat people on the treadmill', and I remember I was one of those... It was about 2 years ago I was a member of another gym and I decided to get a personal trainer. $800.00 later and 3 sessions I ended up quitting the gym, when they told me I couldn't get a refund for the remaining 7 sessions (I didn't even ask for one) I told them I would rather loose the money then loose my self pride. I actually gained weight from my PT experience. I am sure some people find it 'motivating' to be pretty much called a whale on a treadmill, but I found that once I finished my session I just ran to the comfort food because I felt that loosing weight was an aweful negative experience. After these last few months I have regained my inner strength and I am determined to make this as positive as I can (and I can't wait to go into any shop and buy anything I like). I have been sitting at the same weight I am currently since early February 2012, most people think that is a negative, but not me. I actually lost weight and didn't put it on for like a month which is awesome for me =D I want to make sure I look at everything in a positive light. When I say I didn't put the weight back on, of course I regained a kg or 2 during that time, but I knew what I did wrong and how to fix it. I think this time round I am more educated, motivated and positive about the experience and I hope this lasts.