Sunday 29 April 2012

Where did the time go...

Ok so I have been so busy lately, with working so much and having an intense amount of uni work and a crazy amount of bills to pay made me kind of forget about myself. On the plus side I haven't gained any weight, but in saying that I haven't really lost any either... I find that if I don't take the time out for myself I tend to find other ways to de-stress and this time it has resulted in finding comfort in chocolate =/ I tried to change my "comfort food" to the new strawberry flavoured tic tacs but that didn't last. I was doing the grocery shopping yesterday and while knowing I was spending the entire day at uni tomorrow I thought "Hmmm I should get a big bag of M & M's so I can sit in the library all day and do my assignment"... Well I soon caught myself on that one and quickly put a bag  of sugar free honey and eucalyptus drops into the trolley. They actually go really well with water and take a long time to disolve in your mouth which means I won't be eating the entire bag in one study session. Also they have quite a strong aftertaste which makes things (like chocolate) taste funny. I have noticed the more little changes I make the more I get used to things, for example a month ago I thought that water was so bland and all I could drink was diet cordial. Which is really odd because previously I loved the taste of water and hardly had cordial. So I simply stopped buying cordial. At first it was a little difficult, but now I don't even think of cordial or any sweet drinks. To me that is a little bit of a win =D

Well I really should get back to this assignment.

Talk soon xo

Monday 2 April 2012

Take 2...

Ok so my local gym which I attended had a promotion for $200.00 PLUS your member fees they will actually give a damn about you, take an interest in you and tell you to how to do a shake diet (NOTE: $200.00 does NOT include shakes).... I was annoyed that I pay around $60 a month already and I get NO support at all. I am not over reacting either, I have been a member of there twice now, the first time for over 12 months and this time since November 2011. Since I have been there no one has asked reminded me to have a monthly weigh and measure, if I don't go no one tries to contact me and when I am lazy and don't go. I even feel as if I am 'not old' enough for their work out conversations. So today I told them that I was not going to continue my membership, after a long discussion over them wanting more of my money I was free and able to come up with more ways to exercise. This is what I have come up with....

1hr swim
1.5hr casual walk
1hr walk with hills
zumba session (DVD)
Streching workout (DVD)
Yoga session (DVD)
Fit ball workout
Outdoor exercise routine (Sit ups, push ups, lunges etc)

And I am sure I can add to my list as I get fitter lol.

And now here is a list of all the things I could buy with the money I saved from the gym membership

A new item of clothing per month
New shoes
Save more money for the wedding
well lets just say anything I want lol =D

I feel like this is a new start for me. I have lost 10kg without a gym so I guess I can do it again. I might consider joining another gym if I run out of exercise ideas but at the moment I really want to stay membership free =)

Well I better get going.

Talk soon xox